Service | Amount to pay |
Meeting up to 48 hours long | 700 € |
Meeting up to 24 hours long | 500 € |
Meeting up to 12 hours long | 300 € |
Meeting up to 6 hours long | 250 € |
Meeting up to 3 hours long | 150 € |
I always collect my fee at the beginning of the meeting. This should be the deducted amount in cash, preferably in an envelope. Whether you give me the money personally or leave it in a visible place is up to you.
You can pay using BLIK service.

If any incident unpleasant for me occurs during the meeting, I reserve the right to stop the meeting. If at the beginning of the meeting I notice that you are under the influence of a significant amount of alcohol, drugs or other stimulants, I will not undertake the service.

To meet me, write a message via WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail.
WhatsApp / SMS: 737 616 437
e-mail: meretrix.escort@gmail.com
In the content of the message, please write information that will help us set the date and place of the meeting together, and will allow me to get to know you, your preferences and needs.
Be honest!
The most important information for me is: |
Your name |
Date and time of the meeting |
Place of meeting |
Your expectations and fantasies that we can realize together. |